What Are Some Common Knee Injuries That Could Require Surgery?

knee injuries Knee injuries are disruptive at best, but they can lead to long-term pain and damage if you do not get the right treatment. Knowing when to get knee surgery can spare you from chronic pain and complications. Learn more about the most common types of knee injuries that require surgery to repair.

What Causes a Knee Injury?

knee injury occurs when any part of the knee is broken down from overuse or trauma. These injuries are common in people of all ages, especially athletes. The reason that these injuries are so common is that our knees and one of the most used joints in our entire body, making them susceptible to damage and blunt force during physical activity.

Knee Injuries That Could Require Surgery 

Among knee injuries that often require surgery, these are the most common:

ACL Tears

ACL tears are highly common among athletes, but they can occur to anyone during a sudden twist or turn. This injury occurs when the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is torn. This is one of the ligaments that keep your knee stable and is often torn from making quick changes in direction during sporting events. 


Fractures in the kneecap, medically referred to as the patella, are often trauma induced. This can be from a fall or direct impact on the bone. 

Torn Meniscus 

The meniscus is the rubbery cartilage that sits between the shin bone and the thigh bone. It works as a shock absorber for impacts, so when it is torn it can result in painful instability in the knee. 

Patellar Tendinitis 

The patellar tendon is the tendon on the front of the knee and connects that shinbone to the quadriceps. Patellar tendinitis is very common among skiers, runners, and athletes due to the repetitive motions and stress of their sports. 

Treat Your Knee Injury With Us

Bone & Joint Specialists Orthopedic and Spine Center are staffed with highly qualified doctors with extensive experience and skills in the bone & joint field. The team here is prepared to handle your knee injury with precision and care. If you are interested in working together to find a solution for your knee injury, call us at 219-795-3360 or schedule a consultation online. 

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